The termination in the French Payroll.

In France there are 2 main types of termination. One is the agreed termination called “Rupture conventionnelle” the second one is the classic termination. Agreed termination This termination is an agreement between the employer and the employee. The process is simpler than the basic termination one and avoid any notice period. The process The process … Read more

Increase of the Legal Termination Indemnity

Labour Law

The new labor law change things slowly but steadily. One these changes is the increase of the termination indemnity. Previously In the previous labor law, the termination indemnity was calculated for terminated employees of at least 1 year of seniority. The indemnity was worth 1/5 of the average monthly salary. For employees with at least … Read more

Lying during a recruitment is cause for termination


An employee lied during his recruitment interview. He claimed he had an experience as regional director which wasn’t true. This previous experience was a requirement for the employer. Therefore, the cassation court judged that the termination for grave misconduct was legit. An employee cannot claim a false experience during his recruitment. An employer can fire … Read more

The judge cannot be too generous.

Court judgement

In this specific case, and employee has had successive short term employment contracts. When the final contract ended, the employee asked the judge to have the contracts reclassified as one undefinite term contract. The judge agreed. He then condemn the company to the pay the employee: 2 indemnities for dismissal without just cause. 1 notice period … Read more

No more « sommes isolées » as of the 1st of January 2016.

Termination payroll

The “sommes isolées” are exceptional gross amounts paid to the employee and due to the termination of his employment contract. The retirement contributions paid on these gross amounts were distinct from the normal retirement contributions. As of the 1st of January this will no longer be the case. Exemple of “sommes isolées” : Indemnity for … Read more

Reduction by half of the termination indemnity exempted from social contributions

Part of the termination indemnity is exempted from social contributions and CSG/CRDS contributions. However, when a termination indemnity exceeds 10 times the annual social security sealing it is fully subject to social contributions. This may change in 2016 as the parliament modified the 2016 finance law to have this exemption limit reduced to 5 time … Read more