Your Experts In France had its first informal dinner yesterday at L’ENTENTE.
Not only did it give me the opportunity to test British cuisine (the ox heart was delicious). But it also allowed me to get to know my partners a lot better.
Experts are all about their job. The best way to become an expert is to live, breathe and eat your work.
However in an informal environment we speak differently about it.
Therefore our partners not only get to know us by our work, but also by our personality.
A very good evening.
Were present (from left to right) Louis Guillaume De Leusse (MAGELLAN Expert conseil), Claire Bonniol ( CXB HUB), Emmanuelle Verbaere (Aloé financement), Philippe Talon (AFC Représentation Fiscale), Thomas Bidou (French Payroll Expert), Etienne Pujol (Berry Avocats), Luisa KEIL DELATTRE (Lille’s agency).