The update of the French labour code is set.

Every one agree that the French labour code is old, complex and unpractical. With this idea in mind, the French government requested a study of the changes to be brought to the code.

This study is the Combrexelle report. The government received it in September 2015.

Based on that report a planning for the update of the labour code has been set. The update of the code should take 2 years and is planned for the 1st semester 2018.

However, part of the code related to the working hours, the rests and the leaves should be updated by a law proposed to the legislator in 2016.

The content of the law is yet unknown. But some example of the modifications has been provided:

  • The employer should have the possibility to increase the working hours in case of an increase in the activity.
  • For specific project the employee should be allow to work more than the maximum legal working hours.

The changes made to the labour code should have the purposes of:

  • Increasing the feasibility of collective agreements.
  • To reduce the number of professional branches (from over 700 to 100).
  • To make the collective bargaining accessible to small companies.

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