June’s Bunsiness Lunch

Yesterday I represented French Payroll Expert and Your Experts In France the monthly BUSINESS LUNCH.

Lucy Hawkes was our gest speaker. She talked about her family’s castle the “CHÂTEAU DE MISSERY”.

Were present Omar Alassane, Simon Barnes, Damien BASSON, Gregory Boiarski, my good friends David Davron and Robert James Oliver, Stephanie Frackowiak, Christopher Gilmore, Nathalie Kennedy, Chris Lane, Jeremy Lister, Graeme Mair, Richard Medcalf, Maryse Michel, Navin Parasram, Simon J Pennington, Roger Porsolt, Wendy-Ann Smith, Elizabeth Spencer Bernard, Paul Taylor, Christine Taylor and John Whitehouse.

Thanks to Jonathan C. Cooper for setting it up and to Franco-British Chamber of Commerce & Industry, The Spectrum IFA Group, the IOD and ABAF for their support.


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