Due to #coronavirus #france is in confinement for 14 days.
How can a company pay its employee despite the fact that they cannot work?
French labour law authorise the use of the #partialactivity.
How does it work?
The company must request partial activity on the site https://activitepartielle.emploi.gouv.fr/aparts/ .
The creation of an account is necessary.
The information needed are:
The company:
· Name
· Address
· Phone
The company’s manager
· Last name
· First name
· Phone
During the partial activity period, the employer pays 70% of the employee’s gross salary and receives compensation of € 8.04 per hour from the state.
The compensation paid by the employer is only subject to the CSG / CRDS at the rate of 9.7%. No other social contribution is due.
French Payroll Expert and Your Experts In France help you, in these troubled times, and do this declaration for you.