Yesterday I represented French Payroll Expert at the Franco-British Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FBCCI)‘s Christmas luncheon. It took place at the ALCAZAR restaurant in the 6th arrondissement.
As usual the chamber’s president Thierry Drilhon made a speech. I really appreciated he mentioned that we were living exciting and challenging times.
At lunch I was seating next to my friend Cedric DAUGAN from the OFFICE NOTARIAL DU GUESCLIN and I meet with Côme de Bagneux from Desjardins, Miguel Margarido from Story Shapers and Ivon van Heugten from the Llywodraeth Cymru / Welsh Government. We had various interesting conversations.
As usual this week, we were so numerous that I cannot give you all the names of the attendees. Thank you very much to CATHERINE LE YAOUANC for setting this up and to all the chambers’ interns.