You will always hear that “The French payroll is complicated”.
It’s a lie.
The French payroll is not an expert.
It is not your job to do the payroll. It is ours.
Therefore, what you need is not just a payroll expert that can compute your payroll. You also need one that can explain it to you.
This payroll expert is French Payroll Expert.
All for One
FPExpert as develop the “All for One” policy. We do it all just for one price.
With a per pay slips cost which includes every possible event, there is no surprise when you receive our invoice.
No additional cost for declarations, attestations, estimation and accrual.
With “All for One” there is no need for a timer when you make a phone call. And you can take the time to make sure you understand everything about the French payroll if you wish it.
Our services
French Payroll Expert provides payroll services from A to Z.
From the registration of your company and your employees to the deregistration.
This includes the basic payroll and contributions, but also the specifics such as dedicated reports, electronics pay slips and absence management.
FPExpert was created for the sole purpose of releasing foreign companies of the burden of the French payroll.
FPExpert was created by its CEO Thomas Bidou.
FPExpert is using the most efficient and proven tools to compute your payroll.
Here is where our clients are located
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